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Prophetic wellness: Prayer Warrior




For the past 18 years, Myrrh Ministries have been combining the prophetic values and therapeutic properties of all the essential oils mentioned throughout The Bible. It was realized that these two values combined are much more powerful than separated. By giving the credit to our Creator God (the prophetic) for His creation (the therapeutic) we stay anchored in Him as our primary answer to wellness.

It is such a huge privilege and blessing to be able to share the connection of these two values with you!



To PRAY together with the use of an anointing oil, is a tangible result of my faith! To PRAY believing-prayers will result in prayer that governs the world, not governments!

When I pray the Word of God, the same power that created the universe is set in actions through my prayers. See Psalm 100:6. To be a prayer warrior is not an option, it is our calling!

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.

(1 Tim. 2:1-2)


This special Anointing Oil has a soft, sweet, spicy smell. Coriander and Frankincense essential oils and Pomegranate and Sandalwood fragrance oils are blended on Olive Oil as a base. Perfectly safe to use on the skin.

“Mashach” in Hebrew means – to rub in with oil.

First, allow the precious guidance of the Holy Spirit in every aspect of the anointing.

The anointing of a person’s hands represents the authority of the Holy Spirit in what a person does with his/her hands.

The anointing of a person’s feet represents his/her walk of faith.

The anointing of the (fore)head can represent the blessing of God in every area. (Psalm 133)


“Proclamations are the utterances of God’s own Word in prayer and faith, knowing that His Word is powerful and never fails what It intends to accomplish.”

The WHY…

The WORD OF GOD is living and powerful… (Hebrews 4:12)

The WORD OF GOD never returns empty… (Isaiah 55:11)

Prayer Warrior Anointing Proclamation Prayers:

As a priest of God, I declare this oil in my hand is separated unto God, for His purposes alone.

I will pray without ceasing!

(1 Thes. 5:17)

I will keep awake Lord and watch at all times, praying that I may have the full strength and ability and be accounted worthy to escape all these things that will take place, to stand in the presence of the Son of Man!

(Luk. 21:36)

I pray now, Lord, for our government, giving thanks that You are in control. I bring them before You now so that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

(1 Ti. 2: 1-2)

I declare that it is Your will that, through my prayers, the government will govern our country in such a way that all men will be saved and come to the knowledge of the Truth!

(1 Tim. 2: 3-4)

I will enter Your gates now, Lord, through giving thanks to You! Then, as I enter Your gates, Your courts will open up for me, and there, in Your presence I will praise You, be thankful unto You and bless Your holy Name!

(Ps. 100:4)

Father I declare that I am righteous in You, and my earnest prayer makes tremendous power available and will be dynamic in its working!

(Js. 5:16)


Eunicé van der Merwe wrote a detailed Manual (available in Afrikaans and English) on all the biblical oils mentioned in scripture – from botanical and biblical history to prophetic interpretations and testimonies.

“…It is times like these and through experiences mentioned above that you become aware that God exists and that He is aware of you!…”

You will find the link for the manual (including full testimony) at the end of this blog.



Essential oils and fragrance oil are well known for their therapeutic properties and benefits they offer to our Minds and Bodies. Both of these oils play quite a big role in our lives, whether we are aware of it or not. Plants were created before us for a reason…

Without these living organisms we would not survive.

Prayer Warrior Anointing Oil does not only offer a profound scriptural meaning, but also offers amazing therapeutic benefits. An oil to keep close.

Coriander Essential Oil

Supports healthy blood sugar levels.

Eases gas, nausea, and bloating.

Helps with rashes and skin irritation.

Eases anxiety.

Helps alleviate muscle and joint pain.

May help with adrenal fatigue.

Stimulates appetite.

Frankincense Essential Oil

Combats negative emotions and stress.

Supports immunity and helps prevent illness.

Contains anti-tumor properties.

Heightens spiritual awareness.

Lessens the signs of ageing skin.

Encourages healthy hormone levels.

May ease digestion.

Helps relieve inflammation and pain.

Pomegranate and Sandalwood Fragrance Oils

Smells amazing.

Enhances mood.

Boosts confidence.

Makes you attractive.

Natural aphrodisiac.

Boosts mental health.

Triggers memories.

Great for aromatherapy.

May treat insomnia.

Helps to cure headaches.

“The leaves of the trees will be for the healing of the nations.” Rev. 22:2



Prayer warrior says it all! As we are called to always pray without ceasing, God see to it that we will be sustained to do just that no matter what. I saw the incredible therapeutic value of Frankincense and it’s prophetic symbol of intercession as inseparable … prayer and intercession keep us connected to God and healthy on the deepest level while the practical value of this symbol support us, our immunity, our hormonal function – just as prayer support us. Anoint yourself with prayer warrior anointing oil – but enjoy the therapeutic blessing that comes with it!

Free Proclamation Card available for download here.

Prayer Warrior Anointing Oil available for purchase here.

Oils of the Bible Manual / Olies van die Bybel Handleiding available for purchase here.

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