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I recently discovered a book, The Healing Power of Essential Oils, by Dr. Eric Zielinski.

Not only is he a no-nonsense guy who wants you to discover the truth about essential oils behind the clutter of multi-level marketing companies’ claims. He also provides information I have yet to discover on the mainstream media platforms.

Here is his take on what your NUMBER ONE priority needs to be as you take responsibility for your own health and well being. This I believe will be one of the pillars in the after-corona-era that awaits all of us.

Eunicé van der Merwe


The Healing Power of Essential Oils: Dr. Eric Zielinski

Gastrointestinal health

The gastrointestinal (GI) tract connects your mouth to your anus, and every part in between is important and cannot be overlooked.

Oral Health

First on your GI health journey is oral health, where it all starts. Without question, oil pulling a few times a week is the most effective way to prevent oral health problems. When you add essential oils like clove and peppermint to your oil-pulling regimen, you experience even greater benefits.” (Zielinski, E. D.C. 2018, P121-123)


Essential Oils Explained

Coconut Oil is not an essential oil (it is used to dilute essential oils), but offers a comparable effect on reducing the S. Mutans bacterial count with no adverse effect on your health. It is also used as a preventative therapy at home in conjunction with professional and recommended home care treatments.

Clove Essential Oil is widely used in dentistry with proven properties of antifungal, antioxidant, and antibacterial. Also commonly used as an added ingredient in eugenol-based dental products. This oil has been proven to have a strong inhibitory effect on Staphylococcus, which is often antibiotic resistant.

Lemon Essential Oil is effectively used for dental wearers as it has been shown to inhibit some strains of Candida. The therapeutic properties include antibacterial, anti-fungal, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory to assist with tooth pain and inflammation in the gums.

Orange Essential Oil offers antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It also improves blood circulation. This oil combats bacteria that is the cause of many dental issues, such as gingivitis, mouth ulcers, and bad breath.

Peppermint Essential Oil is one of the most popular essential oils used in oral care products. It offers antibacterial, anti-fungal and bio film-inhibiting properties. The therapeutic benefits include the treating of periodontists, gingivitis, and halitosis.

Tea Tree Essential Oil is popularly used as in antiseptic throughout your house and for personal use. It also shows great promise in the oral cavity as it provides additional therapeutic properties for periodontal disease, apthous ulcers, carries prevention, and toothaches. Studies showed that this oil inhibits the bacterial colonization and dental bio-film.


Jamie Collins, RDH, CDH.

Caitlin Iles, Herb Affair.

Bombay & Cedar.

Recipes for oral care:

Oil pulling

Makes 1 application

You need

1 drop of clove, lemon, or orange essential oil

1 tablespoon organic, unrefined coconut oil (melted) or olive oil


1. Add the drop of essential oil to the coconut or olive oil, then pour the oil into your mouth.

2. Start lightly swishing the oil around in your mouth – do not swallow.

3. Keep going for 5 – 20 minutes. I know that may sound like a long time, but you won’t even notice 20 minutes have gone by if you do this during your normal morning routine. (i.e., while you shower, put on your clothes and prep for the day)

4. Immediately afterward, rinse your mouth out with warm water.

5. Finally, brush your teeth as normal.

Note: This should be a relative relaxing process, so don’t think that you need to swish the oil around your mouth for the entire time – you’d wear out your jaw muscles! Simply move oil in your mouth and through your teeth without swallowing any of it. I recommend oil pulling no more than 3 times per week.

(Zielinski, E. D.C. 2018, P58)


You need

1. 2 cups (500ml) spring water

2. 5 drops peppermint and 5 drops tea tree essential oils


1. In a 500ml dispenser bottle, add all the ingredients. Shake to mix.

2. Take a small sip, swish mixture around in your mouth, gargle for 30 seconds and spit out. Do not swallow.

(Axe, J. Dr. Essential oils, ancient medicine, 2016 P475)

Next week, we will travel down the GI tract to the stomach and digestive health as a whole and how essential oils can help you with many common digestive ailments, including nausea, gas and bloating, and more.

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